Cadet College Entry Test Preparation Books Download
Cadet College Entry Test Preparation Books downloads from this page. The students who are preparing for the 2025 Cadet College Entry Test exam get preparation material from here. The Pakistan Student Academy takes an Entry test for every student who gets admission. The entry test is vital for college admission. All previous papers, essays, and MCQ / sample papers for military academy entry test 8 English Urdu 2025 Islamic studies are available here.

Cadet College Entry Test 2025
Cadet colleges entry test exam sample papers and Past papers download online. Here are the question papers for the Military School Entry test Exam. Here are the model papers, sample papers, and previous papers for all subjects. The written examination will comprise English, Urdu, Mathematics, General Science, and Islam (Non-Muslim Studies in Pakistan) in the Punjabi textbook categories 5, 6, and 7.
The results of the entry test for the junior college will be published on the college’s official website. The official website can’t open due to heavy traffic students can easily see their results from this website. Contact us to get detailed information about the entry test exam results of the student academy / military academy. Students do not need to waste time searching for results. The list of entry tests displays on time at the campus of cadet colleges.
Cadet Colleges Entry Test Past Papers 2025
These military academies train young students and produce knowledge for the military students.
Cadet College Past Papers Pdf 2025
Cadet College Entry Test Syllabus | Download |
8th Class Previous Papers | Download |
11th Class Previous Papers | Download |
English Entry test paper | Download |
Urdu Entry test paper | Download |
Math Entry test paper | Download |
General knowledge/Intelligence Test Entry test paper | Download |
Cadet College Test Preparation Books for 1st year 2025
The criteria of the selection Board cannot question. Candidates who qualify for the entry test exam receive a letter of interview. Contain instructions for joining the college and the exact date/time. College all relevant documents/certificates must complete. Candidates can only use the form (attached to the prospectus) to apply for admission to any of the above classes.
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Respected Sir,
My Name is Asif Imam I am student of Icom. Sir I want Entry test syllables for class 6 because my younger brother will apply cadet College.
Thank you Sir!
Contact Number=03221636409
Asslamu alikum!
Respected sir,
My name is Ahmad I want to get admission in 1st year in cadet college
So, I want sample papers for entry test of first year
I am also taking admission to cadet college Murree.
Assalamu alikum
Respected sir,
My name is Zia I am student of Bs Botany for KUST.Sir I want entery test syllabus of class 7th test because my small brother apply for cadet college.
Thanks Sir.
Contact Number.. 0332 6114320
i join cadet college
What type of entry test please reply
Dear zia ullah download the prospectus from the cadet college kohat website and there you will find the syllabus and other details.By the way i am an ex cadet of cadet college kohat not the owner of this website.Hopefully it helps!
A .O. A
To ,
Respected sir ,
My name is Rameesa Khan. I want to take admission in cadet college on next year that is 2023 in 6 grade so, I want syllabus for preparations
Thank you sir
Please send me notes for 1st year test preparation 2022 or send me syllables
Hello did tou find that i am also finding
join cadet college hasanabdal i studied there it is the best place u will ever find in pakistan
Aslam o Alikum
Respected Sir,
My name is Shahid Hussain. I want syllabus for preparations of Statistical Assistant and Computer Operator, through UTS,
Kindly oblige.
I shall be very thankful to you.
Whatsapp #03033739017
My name is umer and I want to join cadet college but plz help me out about the entry test OF Cadet College and I want to take admission in first year
So plz help me in entry test
Contact me ;03332085047
Asala mu alikum
Respected Sir,
My Name is Syed Murtaza and i Complete class 10 with 83% and i got 920 marks so sir, i request to you say for to me about admission of cadets collage for class 11th
My Number=03419390902
Think You sir
I want a syallabus of cadet entry test for 6th grade..03326721973
Send me the 6th class syllabus for girls Mardan cadet college if you have.
A salam A sir i need information for entry test of khushal khan cadet collage nowshera. I don’t know about entry test of cadet collage . Please sir give me answer and also guid me
Need entry test syllables of class 6 for cadet college with past papers.
Aslamualeekum sir
Dear sir i want need a test book of 8th class for Cadit college.. my daughter needs it for the test…
Thank you…
Assalamualaikum sir,
I want the sayllabus for the entry test of cadet school skardu of class 8 .. for my brother .
Sir I want the sayllabus for class 8 entry test please help me.. my WhatsApp nmbr is 03554783739