PSW Registration 2025 Online, Last Date
The Pakistani government has launched a link between banks and customs. You will first need to PSW Registration 2025 online at This post will explain how to subscribe and register for PSW. Continue reading this post. This page indicates that you are interested in the PSW registration process. You will find this post helpful in answering the question. How do I register in PSW (Pakistan One Window)? The subscription fee for PSW Payment can be paid online using an ATM.

PSW Registration 2025 Online Last Date
Pakistan Custom Department has launched PSW (Pakistan Single Window), a program for traders. International traders will be able to import and export goods using digital technology. This is an easy-to-use and cost-free service that can use by customs departments. To support trader communities, the Pakistani government introduced an E-registration called PSW for the first time. PSW is a digital platform that integrates and digitizes the process of addressing regulatory issues related to import, export, and transit.
Pakistan Single Window Registration
PSW Registration: The Pakistan Single Window (PSW) is a new system for trade and transport that allows you to submit standard documents and information through one point. This will allow you to fulfill all your export, import, and transit requirements. Registration for PSW is easy and can do online. Register online at Connect your device to the internet.
PSW Registration Of Bank Al Habib Limited
Click the subscribe button that appears on the homepage. Next, you will need to verify your identity. Your CNIC, NTN, and SECP numbers and your Mobile Phone number has required. You’re Email. You can deposit PSW in banks that accept it without a refundable subscription fee. Many banks accept PSW registration fees. For biometric verification, visit your nearest NADRA office. To log into their account, candidates must create a unique password.
Authority Letter for PSW registration
One trader has registered with the bank. After this, traders can conduct trade transactions in a single transaction. PSW will connect relevant government departments with economic actors like exporters, importers, customs agents, shipping agents, transporters, etc. This will facilitate trade administration between countries. You have paid the system will update your payment status.
Pakistan Single Window PSW Registration website
Your status will change from unpaid to pay. Now you will take to an information authentication page. Here, you can confirm your email address and mobile number. Click the “Send OTP” button. The PSW service will send two OTP codes to your mobile phone and one to the email address you have provided. You will receive the code via SMS mobile. Visit “’ and click the “Subscribe” button. You will redirect to a screen containing a link to the Terms & Conditions of Use after clicking the “Subscribe” button.
PSW Recruitment Process
By checking the box, please read and agree to the PSW Subscription Terms and Conditions. To continue the subscription process, click the “Proceed” button. The page’ Subscription Information’ will open. If you subscribe to PSW on NTN basis, select the ‘NTN Holder’ entity type. Click the “Validate” button to enter your total NTN number (7 digits). This online system allows you to monitor compliance with all regulatory requirements.
Pakistan Single Window Login
You can enter the code you received via email into Submit button. The system will open the page called “Biometric Verification.” To complete the registration, verification of biometrics will be required. Go there and tell them you want to verify the Pakistan One Window biometrics. PSW allows traders to register online on a public platform.
PSW Biometric Verification Online
Acronyms & Abbreviations | ||
No. | Acronyms | Definition |
01 | PSW | Pakistan Single Window |
02 | NTN | National Tax Number |
03 | ID | Identity |
04 | NADRA | National Database & Registration Authority |
05 | NSW | National Single Window |
06 | IFC | International Finance Corporation |
07 | EoDB | Ease Of Doing Business |
08 | IT | Information Technology |
09 | PMD | Pakistan MNP (Mobile Number Portability) Database |
10 | FBR | Federal Board of Revenue |
11 | STRN | Sales Tax Registration Number |
12 | CNIC | Computerized National Identity Card |
13 | OTP | One Time Password |
14 | ADC | Alternate Delivery Channel |
15 | PSID | Payment Slip Identification |
16 | PKR | Pakistan Rupees |
17 | ATM | Automated Teller Machine |
18 | UID | User Identity |
19 | CUIN | Corporate Unique Identifier Number |
20 | SECP | Securities & Exchange Commission of Pakistan |
21 | SRO | Statutory Regulatory Order |
22 | IRIS | Inland Revenue Information System |
23 | OGA | Other Government Agencies |
24 | SIM | Subscriber Identity Module- Provided by Telecommunication Operator |
25 | FTN | Free Tax Number |
26 | IMSI | International Mobile Subscriber Identity |
The designated banks will approve profiles of PSW-registered traders. They will grant an exemption from transaction verification. The government is primarily interested in involving Pakistani trade in international commerce. This page indicates that you want information about the PSW registration process. This post will help you to understand the steps involved in registering in the Pakistan Single Window (PSW).
PSW Registration 2025 Last Date Www.Psw.Gov .Pk
You can use your provided Application ID to reopen your subscription application. For biometric verification, they charged Rs.200/. Your biometric verification status will change within a few hours. Your email address is used to send the link to create your password. An email will be sent to you containing a link to that link. You can create a password for your account by clicking on the link.
PSW Biometric Verification Online

For full details on PSW Registration, please continue reading. Follow these steps to subscribe to PSW. To begin the subscription process, use your internet browser to go to Click on the Subscribe button. Enter the NTN number in the Subscription Information Wizard and confirm your details. Enter the subscriber’s CNIC number and the mobile number registered against that CNIC.
Sample authority letter for PSW registration
You can generate a voucher in the Payment Process and pay via PSID (Payment Slip ID). There are four states in which you can restart your application. The Pakistan Single Window (PSW), a new trade system, allows all involved in transport and trade to submit standard information and documents through one point. This will allow them to meet all transit, import, and export requirements. OTP (Time Password) will verify user credentials after payment.
PSW Registration Process 2025
Visit the NADRA E-Sahulat Center at the Karachi Chamber of Commerce & Industry to perform biometric verification. A link will send to the registered email address to create a password after successful Biometric verification. You can log in to the PSW portal using your UID and Password. PSW, an ICT-based NSW System in Pakistan, is a portal that uses ICT.