16 Major Differences Between Veins and Arteries?

Arteries vs Veins – Blood travels via arteries to the body’s extremities and veins to the heart. Blood vessels in the lungs are the only exception; otherwise, arterial blood is oxygenated while venous blood is deoxygenated. Muscle tissue forms the thick walls of arteries. Veins are blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart.

Differences Between Veins and Arteries?

Differences Between Arteries vs Veins

1.The pulmonary artery, which carries oxygen – poor blood, arteries transport oxygenated blood.They transport oxygen-depleted blood to the heart ( except pulmonary vein)
2.no valves presentvalves are present
3.they can feel a pulsethey can’t feel the pulse
4.further divided into arterioles.further divided into venules.
5.bright red colordark red color
6.have elastic walls that expand with a surge of bloodthin and less elastic walls
7.blood pumped into a single systemic artery called the aortablood return via interior and superior venae cavae and coronary sinus
8.they are very deep and are protected by tissuesthey are also deep and superficial
9.end in blood capillariesstart in blood capillaries
10.if blood is not present, still they do not collapse or cut across.collapse when there is no blood in it also can be cut across.
11.their pathways are fairly distinctthey have numerous interconnections
12.have predictable drainage or supplythey are just like arteries except for dural sinuses and hepatic portal circulation
13.the blood pressure inside arteries is highin veins, the blood pressure is low
14.they distribute blood to body organscollect blood from body organs
15.arteries have small lumenthe veins have a large lumen
16.sporty or fast movements of blood with giving pulsethey show the sluggish movement of blood

Difference Between Arteries And Veins

The function of veins is to return blood from the body’s extremes to the heart. Vein blood is deprived of oxygen and contains mostly carbon dioxide outside of the pulmonary veins, which return oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart. Venous blood is referred to as oxygenated blood. Veins have valves that may halt the blood flow and are broader than arteries. The venous wall is defective.


What is a Vein?

Veins are the arteries nearest to the surface that return oxygen-poor blood to the heart. Since veins lack the muscular lining seen in arteries, blood flow is maintained by use of valves. Venules are the smallest blood vessels in the body; when they go closer to the heart, they mature into full-size veins.

What are Arteries?

The arteries are the channels via which blood travels from the heart to the rest of the body. The pulmonary arteries not only transport oxygen-poor blood to the lungs, but also blood rich in oxygen. There is no valve and the arterial wall is thick.



Arteries, being the veins nearest to the heart, are exposed to the most intense physical pressure as blood is pushed through them. Arteries have strong walls and a pulse that travels through them with each heartbeat. Veins can only bear little pressure, yet they have to fight gravity to return blood to the organs from the heart. Valves prevent the backflow and pooling of blood in many veins, notably in the legs.

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